Contact Chimo Lodge & Outposts

Thank you for your interest in Chimo Lodge and Outposts. To reserve a spot at the Main Camp on Roderick Lake, or one of our Remote Outposts, please fill out our reservation form.

* Ordering groceries in advance is optional. Your groceries will be awaiting you at Superior Airways Water Base when you arrive. Please return grocery list at least 1 month before your booking date if you send it by mail; 2 weeks if you send it by fax or email.

Getting to Chimo Lodge by car:

  1. Leave U.S. at International Falls, Minnesota. Take Highway 11 east 20 miles to Highway 502
  2. North to Dryden 90 miles then Highway 17 west 25 miles to Vermilion Bay
  3. Then take Highway 105 north 110 miles to Red Lake

Getting to Chimo Lodge by air:

  1. Fly to Red Lake Airport (Winnipeg Chart)
  2. 5000′ x 150′ paved runway. (08-26),
  3. Lighted, Strobes, V.A.S.I.
  4. Call Kenora Radio 122.3 (remoted)
  5. N.D.B. 218
  6. V.O.R./D.M.E. 114.0
  7. GPS Co-ordinates: 51° 04.00′ N 93° 47.58′ W